Business Resilience & Continuity

Prepare for and protect against the unexpected with comprehensive threat protection, data backup and data recovery solutions.


Simple Solutions to Protect Against the Unexpected

If the pandemic has made anything clear, it’s that the worst can happen. Optec Resilience Solutions deliver a path to better preparedness, protection and continuity with cost-effective, scalable solutions. From threat intelligence and robust data backup to disaster recovery, we can help you keep your business safe from attack and your operations going when the unexpected happens.

Monitor, Detect & Remediate

Complete Protection.
One Solution.

Nearly half of all cyber attacks today target small and medium sized businesses. With numbers like that, it’s never been more important for SMBs to have a comprehensive cybersecurity solution. 

At Optec, we can help you protect what you’ve worked so hard to build. Our Fortinet Security Fabric solution for SMBs is based on the industry’s best firewall and unified threat management (UTM) and is tightly integrated with other core infrastructure and security components to provide comprehensive, cost-effective security for your business.

By consolidating your path to security into a handful of easy-to-manage solutions spanning network, cloud and endpoint security, you can simplify, centralise and strengthen your overall security posture.

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Prevent Data Loss & Minimise Downtime

Data Backup & Recovery

Backups of mission-critical data are one of the most essential elements of your IT infrastructure. The inability to access your data can bring your business to a grinding halt.

Optec can help you develop and implement business continuity strategies to protect your data wherever it exists, as well as mitigate the downtime and data loss that can occur from unforeseen circumstances or security breaches.

Protect and Recover your O365 Data

Cloud Backup for Office 365

It’s a common misconception that Microsoft backs up your Office 365 data. Yet, we’ve made it easier than ever to protect your data and maximise your O365 investment. Our bundled backup and archiving solution for Office 365 features advanced cloud-based storage to keep your data safe and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

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Backup, manage, protect and restore O365 data with email archiving, journaling/eDiscovery with flexible per seat pricing.


Simple and Scalable

Rapidly recover with one-click restoration and easily manage access with role-based permissions. Limitless backup storage to keep scale with your business.

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Secure and Compliant

Secure cloud servers and military-grade encryption makes it easy to meet GDPR compliance requirements.


Quickly Recover from the Unexpected

Disaster Recovery

In today’s world, every company needs to be prepared for the possibility of something going wrong with their business operations. From data breaches to work environment disruptions, it’s critical to be able to access company data no matter what happens. A solid disaster recovery strategy can help you quickly recover from the unexpected and keep business moving forward. 

At Optec, we can help you ensure your company has a safety net to protect your data and ensure business continuity. Our cloud-native Disaster Recovery Solution automatically discovers, protects, organises and manages all of your data and apps on multiple clouds through a single, easy-to-use view.


Radically Simplify Policy Management

Implement a consistent set of policies, at scale, for all your applications and workloads.

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Rapidly Recover with a Few Clicks

Enable granular recovery for rapid restores and meet the strictest backup and recovery windows.

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Unify Across Hybrid and Multiple Clouds

Manage backup, recovery and reporting within a single, centrally managed system.

Ready to secure your business’s data?